Free: The Life of Badfreaky the Witch

“The Life of Badfreaky the Witch” is a captivating book series that follows the adventures of Badfreaky, a mischievous and quirky witch with a unique personality. Set in a magical world filled with mystical creatures and enchanting spells, the series delves into Badfreaky’s daily life, her magical abilities, and the challenges she faces. From brewing potions to casting spells, Badfreaky’s journey is full of both humorous and heartwarming moments. Readers will be enthrall... [Read More...]

The Reign of the Occult

The battle between the Underworld, full of darkness, and the Overworld, full of light, has been evenly balanced for millennia. Caught between them is the mortal world, where humans have become so afraid of a magic they cannot understand or control that they allow the Occult to rule them. After the Occult joins forces with the Underworld, the balance shifts and the Overworld is decimated. But still, in the mortal world, the magic wont die. It appears when a supernatural being and a human have a ... [Read More...]

Fractured Destiny (A Reclaimed Power Book 1)

True loves a cruel joke. As a descendant of Poseidon, my magical abilities are immense. At least they were until I fell in love and was tricked into having my powers stripped. Never again. Exiled with less than my full powers, now all I want is to reclaim whats mine and dish out some pain to those who took them from me. It wont be easy. And once I recover my powers, the Oracle foretells disaster. Worse, fate decrees that I must mate with four different fae. Among my exotic fated mates are a comm... [Read More...]

Free: The Psychic Part 1 Revelation

In Part 1, “Revelations,” enter the turbulent world of Brian Miller, a self-proclaimed psychic entangled in the fabric of deceit. Operating under the guise of supernatural insight, Brian’s life takes a harrowing turn with the desperate plea of James Carter, a father grappling with the abduction of his son, Johnny. The police are at a standstill, James turns to Brian’s ‘psychic’ abilities for a lifeline. Caught between exposure and empathy, Brian is thrust int... [Read More...]

Into Dust

Ryan Malin had made a name for himself as the author of a very successful series of guidebooks on supposedly haunted houses. But there was always one that had been off-limits to him – Hewitson Cottage. That was until he was approached by the alluring Kelley Stranack. She and her fellow university lecturer promised a whole weekend of exclusive access, all expenses paid. Naturally, he jumped at the chance. Of course none of the places he’d written about were actually haunted, but this place&#... [Read More...]

Great Lakes Investigations Complete Series Boxed Set

Talk is cheap, and Maggie isn’t buying. As the owner of Great Lakes Investigations, she’s seen just about everything there is to see. Murder, embezzlement, infidelity; you name it, she’s been there and got the investigative t-shirt. She has paranormal cases to unravel and she’s used to the unusual. Can Maggie decipher the truth from the lies while keeping her own secrets hidden? Grab your copy of this complete series in this boxed set today! $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]


Summer 1907, Benjamin and Theda Lett, an aristocratic couple from Vienna, land at Ellis Island, hoping to leave their dark pasts behind. They quickly infiltrate Chicago’s high society and build Brimfield, an estate designed to rival the Rockefellers. They conceive their only child, Lorenzo, to protect their carefully crafted image, but eighteen years later, Lorenzo is murdered, and the authorities quickly blame Theda. Lorenzo, traumatized over the sudden end of his life, is now a polterge... [Read More...]