Toward A New Common Law: What The Criminal Law Would Look Like In A Country Not Begging For Law Enforcement Tyranny

Toward A New Common Law: What The Criminal Law Would Look Like In A Country Not Begging For Law Enforcement Tyranny

The most thorough, rigorous treatment of the subject anywhere. America’s law enforcing institutions are completely tyrannical. They have vassalized the people under the guise of protecting them. Chock full of hard truths and sound reforms, this tractate is no abstract exposition. Let no one again say, “But what is the path forward?”, for this tractate lights the way. There are other ways to live. There are other ways to regulate crime and like misbehavior. History is quite clear on this. This tractate methodically lays out how to radically reform the American criminal law system, radical reforms, mind you, which are absolutely necessary if the American people ever hope to find themselves back in a state of liberty. $2.99 on Kindle.
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