Free: The Hormone Makeover: Four Steps to Conquer PMS or Menopause with Bioidentical Hormones

The Hormone Makeover: Four Steps to Conquer PMS or Menopause with Bioidentical Hormones
Forget the beauty treatment and manicure: Your hormones are begging for an entirely different kind of makeover… and improved health and well-being are waiting for you on the other side.

Poor sleep? Mood swings? Fatigue? Difficulty losing weight?

The problem could be your hormones.

You cant see them, and its easy to forget how big a role they play, but your hormones may be affecting your well-being.

Hormones make their way to your organs through the bloodstream. They’re like little messengers telling your organs what to do and when. They’re responsible for regulating most of the processes that happen in your body and if they’re out of balance, this can affect your entire health.

Metabolism Blood sugar Blood pressure Sexual function Menstrual cycle Mood You name it! All of these things are controlled by your hormones.

The problem is, when you have a hormonal imbalance, all these processes get out of whack, leading to a whole host of physical and emotional symptoms.

Enter bioidentical hormones plant-derived hormones converted into structures that precisely match the hormones in your body. By working with your medical provider, you’ll be able to get your hormones back on track.

And when you do that, you’ll notice not only improved physical health but improved mental and emotional health too.

If you’re going through menopause or you struggle with PMS, overhauling your hormones is going to be just the solution youve been looking for.

This practical and insightful guide will give you everything you need to make informed decisions about your health, taking proactive steps to improve your overall well-being and quality of life as well as everything you need to know to communicate confidently with your healthcare provider. Free on Kindle.
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