Free: Becoming Fearless

Becoming Fearless

Coerced by her boss and fellow rivers guides, Brenda Smith reluctantly embarks on a rafting trip through a vast Tanzanian game reserve. If she can survive twelve days on the remote jungle rivers, then she must scale Africa’s tallest mountain. After twenty-eight years of a safe and predictable life, Brenda is terrified of what awaits her in these dangerous wildernesses.

She comes face to face with angry hippos, roaring lions and stealthy crocodiles, and struggles with the extremes of unbearable heat and hypothermia.

Despite the harsh external threats she conquers, her greatest challenge is a profound inner journey-a courageous transformation as she uncovers the internal source of her fears and discovers the personal strength to do anything.

Becoming Fearless is an inspirational true story that showcases what is possible when you step out of your comfort zone into the wild. Free on Kindle.
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