
In the year 3421, human, novus, and alien races coexist. At the heart of this existence, the United Planetary Congress forms the foundation of political theater. The Galactic Interpol Society must now investigate RETROSPECT, a set of stolen codes capable of crippling a newly developed artificial earth planet. Agent Jonah, one of the society’s top-priority agents, must immerse himself within the violent political shadows surrounding RETROSPECT while fighting off novus terrorists, a rogue galac... [Read More...]

A Change of Rules

Half-cast, spell-weaving prodigy, Malandar Denarlin, has failed the realms of Dallancea only once: when he died! Now Reborn a Guardian by the grace of the Maker, he exists for little other than the promise of vengeance and to protect the Veils of Time – something that has brought a measure of peace to his jaded nature. Yet when the Veils nearly fall and magic is laid to waste in an act of betrayal seemingly carried out by the one person he still trusts, Malandar knows that the very darkness h... [Read More...]