Podcast 101

Start your own Podcast easily and grow your business with a proven system. What if you could create your podcast in a few short weeks? What if you could use your podcast to grow your business with a few simple steps? Imagine becoming a podcast host while growing your business and achieving your life-long goals. Thirteen-time Amazon bestselling author, Paul G. Brodie, offers this comprehensive guide on how to start your own podcast and grow your business with a proven system that works. ... [Read More...]

Why The Law Of Attraction Is Bullshit: And What To Do Instead

Have you ever tried self-help, only to find that it did not work? It did not matter how hard you believed or how closely you followed the information in the book, it just did not do what the speaker or book promised that it would do. Whether you are new to the world of self-help or you are experienced with the disappointment that often comes along with realizing that most self-help techniques are full of crap, this ends now. You see, I agree with you. The world of self-help is far from helpful ... [Read More...]