Cole Springer Trilogy

Cole Springer Trilogy

Springer’s Gambit is both fluent and riveting. Robert B. Parker, bestselling author of the Spenser and Jesse Stone mystery series


Ex-Secret Service Agent Cole Springer has exchanged his badge for a piano and the high-altitude life of Aspen, Colorado. But he hasn’t lost his appetite for danger. Springer delights in playing button men and gangsters for personal gain and amusement. While an affable man, he’s tough, hard to kill, and has an ironic sense of humor. Meanwhile, his girlfriend, determined CBI Agent, Tobi Ryder, doesn’t know whether to love him, forget him, or arrest him for his escapades that skirt the edges of the law

Don’t miss the chance to dive headfirst into this thrilling men’s adventure trilogy, where your heart will race as you immerse yourself in a world of action, vigilante justice, and adventure. Grab your copy today!

The Cole Springer Trilogy includes Springers Gambit, Springers Longshot, and Springers Fortune.

Boston has Spenser. South Florida has Travis McGee. Now the New West has Cole Springer a two-fisted piano player with a sharp wit and brooding soul. This is the best-written crime novel I’ve read since the debut of James Lee Burke’s Dave Robicheaux. Ace Atkins, author of Leavin’ Trunk Blues $0.99 on Kindle.
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