Free: Ruthless Positivity

Ruthless Positivity


In eScape, Kam has it all — a body that works, beautiful friends, her own space, and a wealth of stolen credits. In the real world, she’s terminally ill and living in the rundowns, a place where hope goes to die.

In the real world, Lyle seems to have it all. As the son of a famous self-help guru, Julia Grace, strangers envy his perfect life and perfect relationship with his mother. Nobody knows the torture she’s put him through. All Lyle wants is the escape of anonymity in eScape — where he can be himself by hiding behind an avatar.


When Kam and Lyle meet, they each might be the escape the other is looking for.

But Kam can never let Lyle see the REAL her or the hovel she lives in. If he realizes she’s a criminal who’s stolen everything she has, he’ll leave her.

She has no idea Lyle is lying, too – caught in a web of his mother’s manipulations. Each of them loses everything if they tell the truth – but admitting their lies could get them killed.

And not even eScape can protect them from what’s coming.

Ruthless Positivity is a new stand-alone SciFi Thriller from Avery Blake, author of Vicarious Joe, Family Royale, and Analog Heart. Free on Kindle.
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