Fake Summer Husband

Fake Summer Husband
When a gorgeous, fascinating older man offered to help get my bosses to notice me, I had to say yes.

Kian volunteered to play the role of my husband to increase my chances of being promoted from summer intern to full-time producer. As half of a married couple, I’d be invited to dinner with my bosses, schmoozing and making connections.

I was both relieved and terrified. How could I pretend to be close with this breathtaking man when I’d never even dated before? Why would he do something like this for a mousy girl like me?

How could I work with this lusty electric current running through me every time I thought of him?

When Kian’s possessive nature kicked in at my workplace, everything might be over before I could make sense of how perfectly I thought we belonged together.

Which was stronger, my career dreams or my fiery new desire? $0.99 on Kindle.
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