Grow Your Own Medicine: Discover the Healing Power of Over 200 Herbs and How to Craft Them into Simple, Yet Potent, Natural Remedies

Grow Your Own Medicine: Discover the Healing Power of Over 200 Herbs and How to Craft Them into Simple, Yet Potent, Natural Remedies
As the son of an herbal enthusiast, Spencer Yates saw firsthand the healing power contained in medicinal herbs. Growing up, he adopted his mothers passion for natural remedies, finding relief from various medical conditions from within his own garden. Now, he wants to pass his knowledge and experience over to you.

Discover the secrets of over 200 herbs and their medicinal qualities, and gain access to 75 proven recipes designed to provide potent relief for a variety of ailments. Don’t wait for a health crisis – start growing and using your own medicinal herbs now. $0.99 on Kindle.
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