Free: Stories

Four remarkably unsuccessful stories by one remarkably unsuccessful author. Yet each has its moments.

All I Longed for Long Ago Was You – A story of love that echoes through time.

The romance in this book is gorgeous and the emotions expressed by the characters are very strong, especially the love and longing for each other.-Shaz-Goodreads

AMANDA – A story of forgiveness and second chances.

The plot tugs at the heart without guile, grown from a simple, touching seed-crystal: the author’s stumbling on a memorial plaque to a lost child. Moore’s prose, as direct and open-hearted, engages and drives a classic story-Lost in Romance Books.

The Christmas Story – How a Christmas Stocking helps keep precious memories alive.

I loved reading this book. It is short but powerful. Sad when we lose someone we love. Even sadder when we try not to remember them just so we don’t get emotional. This book made me cry. Happy tears of course! Robyn Micheals-Goodreads
The Mist – How three friends conquer their fears and save an ancient civilization from extinction.

Three friends are connected to the past and have to deal with monsters, myths and mayhem to find a way to make things right. This book is a different tale than I was expecting, but is a good, short read that holds the reader’s imagination and attention. P.S. Winn-Goodreads

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