Mutt to Megastar Christmas Box Set (Books 1-3)

Mutt to Megastar Christmas Box Set Books 1-3
Warm Wishes for Christmas, that’s what Elliott the rescue dog’s new families wish one another. Yes, that’s right. He starts his new life shared between two families. He’s a mutt of a country dog discovering city life in Sydney, and not only that, but also the bliss of beach life at their weekender. But that’s only the start of it, and, boy is his life about to change big time.

Reality Barks, Book 1: Rescued from the Dog Pound, a country mutt is transformed to become ‘Elliott’, a metro dog living with four slick Timeshare adults. If that’s not confusing enough, one of them, Jamie, the Adman Alpha Male of the foursome, has plans to turn Elliott into a moneymaking star.

Wagging The Dog, Book 2: Wagging the Dog has Elliott fearing he’ll be sent back to the Dog Pound because he’s been fired from his starring role as a pirate dog in the Biffo Chunky Yums Ad campaign. Will he end up being a one-hit-wonder?

Three Dogs And A Wedding, Book 3: Jamie is cooking up a new scheme. This time he is plotting to have Elliott as Best Dog at Adriana and Paul’s traditional Italian church wedding so that he can turn it into a moneymaking media event. There are family objections to overcome and nail-biting thrills and spills on the way to the altar! $0.99 on Kindle.

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